What to Expect

  • Yay! Let’s go over some helpful ashi day prep:

    • Stay hydrated! I work intentionally with your fascia during your visit— fascia is 70 percent water which is why hydration is part of the healing protocol.

    • Avoid caffeine; this allows you and your nervous system space to sink into the benefits of bodywork!

    • Grab a bite to eat a few hours before— during a massage, our body melts into “rest & digest” mode. It’s common to feel a little massage drunk afterward; pre-fueling helps prevent dizzy or lethargic feelings.

  • Once you arrive, text or call me at 614-420-4141 & I’ll greet you out front.

    You’ll have the opportunity to stop by the restroom, and we will head back for your visit!

  • My first responsibility as your practitioner is our safety and comfort!

    Once we make it to my room, we will briefly discuss your intake form and treatment plan; I’ll give you a quick explanation of barefoot massage then we will get started!

    We will cover— pressure, the bars/strap, starting position, run through from start to finish.

    I’m happy to answer any relevant questions at any point during your visit!

  • Arrive to your massage fully clothed— once you're on the table, your birthday suit is welcome & encouraged! You’d be surprised how much tension is stored in the glutes. You will always be modestly draped, and only the massaged area will be undraped.

    You may choose to: leave on as much clothing as needed for comfort, refuse any massage methods, stop massage at any time and is free to leave; the therapy door is never locked.

    The breast and genital area will not be massaged under any circumstances.

  • DO:

    • Stretch & Relax

    • Keep yourself hydrated

    • Take it easy at the gym; it’s better to work out before your massage.

    • Reschedule another massage to keep yourself loosey-goosey


    • Lift heavy objects

    • Avoid aggressive twisting like golfing, baseball, or kick-boxing

    • Drink too much alcohol— you’ll get dehydrated and feel crummy.

    • Sit for long periods without stretching.

You have questions— I have answers!